BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (2025)

  • August 25, 2020

“It is amazing. The roaches expire with any contact of the liquid… I cannotwait to finally be rid of these annoying pests.” — Marcy S.

By The Time You Spot One Roach, They Could Be Everywhere

Once a homeowner sees a single roach, there’s a good chance it’s too late: the infestation hasbegun. These pests aren’t just gross, they can actually spread germs, disease, and evenallergens.1,2

You can spray all you want, but roaches always seem to come back. To makematters worse, according to a recent study, some roaches can now resist many ofthe common pesticides that are supposed to kill them.3

Those facing a roach problem areoften left with just two choices: use chemical-based pest sprays or hire an expensiveexterminator.

Problem is, these traditional “solutions” can come with problems of their own…

Store-bought bug sprays are the most common “fix,” but they can come with serious risks.Sprays often contain harsh chemicals, which can be harmful for people andpets.4

Professional exterminators can be effective, but they’re expensiveand use strong pesticides that can be unsafe for the home.5

Anyone who’s had roacheswill tell you it’s a nightmare. The good news is, there’s now a reliable and affordable way to help defendyour home from these disgusting pests.

Thank goodness for BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate…

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrateoffers an easy, effective way to fight roaches without risky pesticides or expensive exterminators.

This“Essential Oil Trick” Helps Fight Roaches Without Harsh Chemicals >>>

Unlike traditional options, BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate uses real, plant-derivedessential oils6 to fight cockroaches. Thousands of Americans are already using this innovativeformula to control their roach problem.

But fair warning… the word is spreading like wildfire aboutBugMD and most customers are buying in bundles.

I strongly suggest you order now before inventoryruns low or supplies completely sell out.

BugMD pest control spray uses a duo of plant-based active ingredients toneutralize roaches on contact.7,8,9

First, Clove Oil, which manyconsider the first line of defense against a pest invasion. Clove Oil has been shown to work as aneffective, plant-based insecticide.10,11 According to Karen Russ, a garden specialist atClemson University, eugenol — the essential oil found in cloves — kills pests oncontact.12

The second special ingredient is Cottonseed Oil, which hasbeen used in agriculture for centuries to ward off all kinds of pests.13

Unlikechemical sprays, BugMD’s plant-powered solution makes it safe for use around children & pets when usedas directed.

Best of all, it’s super easy to use. Simply spray directly onto areas where you’veseen or suspect roaches. For best results, spray directly on roaches to kill them oncontact.14

Just 3 easy steps to start winning your home back from roaches:

  • 1. Pour the contents of one full BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate bottle into a spraybottle with 27oz. of tap water. Shake to mix well.

  • 2. Spray the solution onto “problem areas”. We recommend saturating these areas for bestresults. Allow treated spaces to air-dry.

  • 3. If you happen to see a roach, spray the “unwelcome guest” directly until wet.

For best results, make sure to spray hard-to-reach areas where roaches tend tohide: under baseboards, cabinets, furniture, and appliances. Spray around trash bins, sheds,and other roach hangouts for good measure.

Does BugMD Really Work on Roaches?

Don’t take our word for it... look at these incredible reviews from verified customers:

“I just started using this product. It is amazing. The roaches expire with anycontact of the liquid, and best of all, no more new ones in that area. I cannot wait to do the wholefloor and finally be rid of these annoying pests.”

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (7)

— Marcy S.

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (8)

“A very good product. I am pleased with the purchase. I am guessing because of theextensive rain my area has experienced I noticed an increased activity of Chinese roaches (waterbugs). Since I began using the product, the activity has decreased but not fully gone. I will continueto use and hopefully soon they will be completely gone. I love the fact that it does not have arepellant smell.”

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (9)

— Johnnie H.

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (10)

“We've been fighting roaches for too long. We've used multiple roachtraps, bait stations and sprays but we didn't see a reduction in activity. 1st night with thisproduct we could watch them die in front of us. We are seeing less activity. The infestation is notgone yet but I feel like we're winning finally.”

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (11)

— Nanette G.

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (12)

How Does BugMD Compare To Store-Bought Sprays?

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate

Store-Bought Roach Sprays

  • Works without DEET, Formaldehyde, and other harsh chemicals

  • Can have potentially harmful ingredients in the formula

  • Formulated to kill roaches on contact

  • May not neutralize roaches on contact

  • Convenient, waste-saving refills: Just add tap water and spray!

  • Repeat store trips and single-use waste from aerosol cans

  • When used as directed, it’s safe to use indoors — even around kids andpets

  • Potentially harmful to humans & animals

  • Mild scent, no aerosol

  • Can release unpleasant fumes

  • Versatile: works on multiple pests including ants, bed bugs, fleas, andmore

  • Designed for only one pest type

If you’ve already tried using traditional pest solutions, and you were always leftdisappointed or the roaches always came back… BugMD’s Pest Concentrate offers an effective alternative.

For best results,we recommend spraying directly onto pests, around entrances to your home, and in any problem areas. Mostcustomers report seeing fewer nasty bugs almost right away. Plus, you can order more at a significantdiscount so you’ll always have BugMD on hand.

For ultimate convenience, you can sign-up for amonthly subscription plan. Roaches, bed bugs, and other pest infestations can happen in almost any season,so it’s always good to have protection year-round.15

Bottom Line: Ifyou’re tired of living with disgusting cockroaches… and you want an easy, affordable, effective solutionthat works without harmful chemicals — then you should give BugMD a try!

Here’s How To Fight A Roach Problem Without RiskySprays

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate isnot available in stores and can only be found online.

Now that you’ve discovered how to fightroaches — without exposing yourself or your family to risky pesticides — follow these steps to getstarted:

  • 1) Go to the official BugMDwebsite to place your order.

  • 2) Start defending your home from harmful roaches.

BugMD Essential Pest Concentratewants to nudge you off the fence by giving you up to 55% off your order. Check here to see if stockis still available >>>

Check CurrentAvailability »

CITATIONS1 Donkor ES. Cockroaches and Food-bornePathogens. Environ Health Insights. 2020;14:1178630220913365. Published 2020 Apr 30.doi:10.1177/11786302209133652 Cockroach Allergy |AAFA.org. Aafa.org. (2022). Retrieved 25 August 2022, fromhttps://www.aafa.org/cockroach-allergy/#:~:text=A%20cockroach%20allergy%20is%20a,than%20other%20children%20with%20asthma.3 Shao-Hung Lee, Dong-Hwan Choe, Michael K Rust, Chow-Yang Lee, ReducedSusceptibility Towards Commercial Bait Insecticides in Field German Cockroach (Blattodea: Ectobiidae)Populations From California, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 115, Issue 1, February2022.4 Bernardes, M. F. F. , Pazin, M., &Dorta, L. C. P. D. J. (2015). Impact of Pesticides on Environmental and Human Health. In A. C.Andreazza, & G. Scola (Eds.), Toxicology Studies - Cells, Drugs and Environment. IntechOpen.https://doi.org/10.5772/597105 Lips CB. Pest-proofyour home, safely. Pest-Proof Your Home, Safely.https://www.parents.com/health/injuries/safety/pest-proof-your-home-safely/. Published February 26,2013. Accessed August 24, 2022.6 Snell E, Smith T,Bettini T, et al. Efficacy Of The 012813-3-A-SNE Formulation When Applied As Direct Spray ApplicationsAgainst Various Pest Species. Meansville, GA: Snell Scientifics, LLC; 2019:1-26.7 Cloyd R, Galle C, Keith S, et al. Effect of Commercially AvailablePlant-Derived Essential Oil Products on Arthropod Pests. J Econ Entomol. 2009;102(4):1567-1579.doi:10.1603/029.102.0422.8 Enan E. Insecticidalactivity of essential oils: octopaminergic sites of action. Comparative Biochemistry and PhysiologyPart C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 2001;130(3):325-337.doi:10.1016/s1532-0456(01)00255-1.9 Snell E, SmithT, Bettini T, et al. Efficacy Of The 012813-3-A-SNE Formulation When Applied As Direct SprayApplications Against Various Pest Species. Meansville, GA: Snell Scientifics, LLC; 2019:1-26.10 Enan E. Insecticidal activity of essential oils: octopaminergicsites of action. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology.2001;130(3):325-337. doi:10.1016/s1532-0456(01)00255-1.11 Russ K, Williamson J. Less Toxic Insecticides. Home & GardenInformation Center | Clemson University, South Carolina.https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/less-toxic-insecticides/. Published 2019.12 Ibid.13 Bogran,C., Ludwig, S., & Metz, B. (2006). Using Oils As Pesticides [Ebook] (4th ed., pp. 1-4). CollegeStation, Texas: Texas A&M Agriculture Extension.14Ibid.15 Keeping Fleas, Ticks, and MosquitoesAway… Even in the Winter. PetMD.https://www.petmd.com/dog/seasonal/evr_multi_flea_tick_mosquito_care_during_winter. Published 2011.

BugMD: Essential Pest Concentrate (2025)


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