Robert Halpert, 37, had never been so terrified in hislife. He was a great dad with a beautiful home and family he loved dearly.
He was having dinner with his family when he noticed an unfamiliar bite on his leg. He just chalked it upas a mosquito bite so he ignored it. Though the problem was much worse than he could possibly imagine.
That night he got into bed with his wife, and went to sleep. He kept waking up to itch his legthrough the night. It got worse and worse. And when he finally took off the covers to investigate, what hesaw…shook him to his core.
“My leg…”, Robert said “Was completely covered in bedbugs” Hepanicked and ran to the shower to get all the bugs off him.
“That was the most horrifyingexperience of my life, Robert said.
The invasion ruined his home. But the worst part was the embarrassing bite marks that covered his body.
He lowered his head in shame at work. He even covered his arms and legs to try to hide hisembarrassing bites. He didn’t want his coworkers to think he lived in a filthyhouse.
I called an exterminator, but they would have to charge me $775…just for bed bugs. There wasno way I could afford that.”
With seemingly no way to get a good night's rest he had two options: Move out or deal with painfulbites everynight.
Little did he know, help was at the front door… literally.
Robert’s friend came by for a surprise visit. Before he walked in, his friend asked: “What are all those biteson your leg?” Robert looked down and saw he was wearing shorts and didn’t have time to hide thetruth.
Robert’s face turned red and he whispered: “I’ve got a bed bug problem”
With a look of shock, his friend bolted for the door.
“I was so embarrassed.” Robert says. “I thought he were going to tell all our otherfriends about my problem! But then I heard a knock on the door about 15 minutes later”
The neighbor came back holding a big green bottle in his hand. He ran to Robert’s room and started sprayinghis mattress. Then ran to every bed or couch in the house and sprayed it down. He handed Robert the bottle andjust said two words:
”Trust me.”
“Well”, Robert says “it worked. Later that evening I prepared to get bit all night. But something magicalhappened, I woke up without a single bite. They were 100% gone.” I FINALLY felt like I hadreclaimed my home from bed bugs.
I have no idea how it worked so fast, but I was convinced. This was the first peaceful night of sleep I had inmonths. I really wanted to know what was in the green bottle, so I read the label and saw the wordBugMD printed on it.
“I couldn’t believe it”, Robert said “I no longer have that filthy invasion to be embarrassed about. Iimmediately ordered 6 refills online just to be safe.
This miracle spray just saved me $1000’s on expensive exterminators and ruined mattresses fromannoying bed bugs!
I sprayed in the garage, the kitchen, and even the doors to make sure they never come back.”
As an added bonus, I found out this spray doesn’t just eliminate bed bugs, it kills 40+ other bugs too! And issafe to use around kids and pets.
The clever little trick (backed by science) thatsuffocates pests in seconds
BugMD's is a small familyowned American company. Their pest control spray uses plant-powered active ingredients toeradicate bed bugs, ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, and more in seconds.
It’s formulated with 2 essential oils proven to wipe out hordes of insects: clove and cottonseed oil.
Clove oil acts as the first line of defense against a pest invasion. The pungent odor forms a bugbusting forcefield that protects your home from all sorts of pests.
Not only does clove oil repel bugs, it works as an effective insecticide1. As a garden specialistat Clemson University, Karen Russ says: eugenol — the essential oil found in cloves — kills insects oncontact.
If you ask any farmer, they’ll tell you cottonseed oil is the greatest insecticide among anynatural oil.
It’s been used in agriculture for centuries to ward off all kinds of insects and pests. That’s why BugMD’sexpertly crafted formula contains cottonseed oil: to make a potent plant powered solution for even the worstinsect invasions.
In fact, this Eco-Fusion of essential oils, which was tested in an advanced lab, works to eradicateover 40+ different pests.
Unlike traditional pesticides, BugMD's uses naturally derived active ingredients so it’s safe for children & pets whenused as directed.
Super Simple to Use - Yet Shockingly Effective
Best of all, it’s super easy to use. Simply spray around doors, trash cans, cabinets, or aroundwindows to prevent creepy crawlies from coming in droves — or you could spray directly on bugs to kill them oncontact.
To use, simply mix the BugMD concentrate with water in the FREE included spray bottle and you’re ready to getthe pest free home you deserve.
With Over 500,000 BugMd Bottles Sold, the reviews are in…
BugMD customers love spreading the word about this new essential oil bed bug spray. Here are just afew verified reviews:
"I couldn't wait to reorder this essential-oil based bug killer. It kills and keeps away cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants, and many, MANY other bugs."
— Robert I.
"So far I have not seen any bed bugs since I sprayed. I love the clove smell. I am going to order again justto have on hand."
— Steven F.
"I don't ever want to be without it, the bugs are thinning out at my house , Thank You So Much."
— Addie B.
"It really works! Thank you."
— Evon J.
"Great product, natural clove fragrance, kills bugs nicely indoors and out."
— Thomas W.
There’s a Reason BugMD Is America’s #1 Pest Spray*
We’ve read thousands of positive reviews raving about BugMd, but in order to truly believe it, wehad to test it for ourselves. So, we ordered a bunch of BugMD's bottles (which arrived at our door 3 days later) and started conducting testseveryday.
*The person's story described below is fictitious and was instead founded onexperiences shared by BugMD customers.
I wanted to see if BugMd really could beat one of the toughest pests to get rid of - bed bugs. Irecently picked up an old chair from a thrift store and sure enough it came with the added bonus of thesenasty bed bugs. By the time I realized what happened it was too late. I’ve been getting bit all over. Ialready had tried washing my sheets, but that didn’t seem to help at all. So, I sprayed an entire bottle ofBugMD around every crevice of my mattress, chairs and couch, then waited to sleep that night.
Result: The next morning, I didn’t wake up with any new bites at all. I flipped over my mattress and found agraveyard of bed bugs. It grossed me out and impressed me at the same time. So far, blown away by howversatile this powerful solution is.
For the next test, I wanted to see if BugMD could stand up against even the moststubborn roaches. So, I went to one of my friends' houses who said they had some roach problems lately.There were nasty, peppery droppings everywhere and I even saw a big roach scurry by less than a minute afterI opened the door. So, I sprayed BugMD around all the entrances and nooks and crannies at the house. Oneeven crawled from under the stove so I immediately sprayed it. The roach moved for barely a second then diedright in front of me. I was shocked how fast it worked!
Result: I came back to her house 2 weeks later and was amazed to find absolutely no signs of roaches. Ichecked those exact same spots and no droppings at all. Zero. I was shocked and so was my friend. Shedemanded that I let her keep a couple bottles I had with me in her house!
Finally, I took this experiment to fleas, who are known for laying dozens of eggs per day.
Luckily (for the sake of this experiment) my sister's dog has been scratching herself raw. She chalked it upto being fleas (probably from a recent hike). She tried flea drop but her dog had a bad reaction to them soshe had to stop. With no other option, I convinced her to let me try out BugMD since it’s safe for pets. So,I sprayed BugMD around her bed and even a little on her fur (I diluted it just to be safe).
Within minutes, I kid you not, I counted 3 fleas jump right off her like it was the titanic. I chased themdown and got them all in one spray that eviscerated them instantly. I left the bottle with her and told herI’d check in later.
When I called the next day to see how it worked she was shocked. She said her dog hadn’t scratched once allday. I just laughed because I honestly had my doubts, but this stuff really does work!
After conducting several tests, we were able to confirm that BugMD's really works as well as everyone says. To be honest,I haven’t seen anything like this on the market, and I’m truly blown away. Who would've thought a plantpowered, family friendly bug spray could work just as well as those nasty and potentially dangerous harshchemical sprays. Whether you are looking to get rid of bed bugs, ants, ticks or cockroaches, I would highlyrecommend you get BugMD's to try foryourself.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Just one bottle of BugMD SprayI think is worth 10 other bug spray products combined, so of course it’s worth it. I consider my time worth alot, and love to save money. BugMD spray saves me time AND money, so it’s really a no brainer
Now I can spend more time enjoying my new home rather than feeling like I moved into a nightmare. Anyone elsein my boat of being sick of spending so much time and money trying to get rid of bugs and STILL beingunsatisfied with only-halfway decent results should give BugMD a Try.
The best part is BugMD even offers a super convenient subscription with an even bigger discount, so you’llnever have to run out to the store again. A fresh bottle of BugMD concentrate will be waiting right at yourfront door whenever you need it!
Truthfully, I can’t guarantee that you will get the same results I did (I’ve yet to hear from anyone whohasn’t) but you’ll have to try it to find out for yourself.
*UPDATE: * Ever since BugMD was featured online, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated resulting inover 500,000 bottles being sold. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confidentin their product that they are now offering an iron-clad 30 day satisfaction guarantee, whichmeans there is virtually no risk to try the product. And as if that wasn’t enough reason togive this spray a try, BugMD is also offering a 55% off discount while supplies last. But you better hurrybecause BugMD has already sold out several times. To see if they are still available click the buttonbelow.
IMPORTANT: Use BugMd to Eliminate and Prevent Bed Bugs.
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